The Main Course
One 60-minute intake + 6 one hour sessions. Each session is 60 minutes and all sessions are done virtually (Facetime, Skype, Zoom).
Weekly discussions:
• Successes
• Challenges: Discuss what’s serving you and what’s not
• Lifestyle and nutrition recommendations including food, supplements, exercise, stress management, recipes, shopping tricks and hacks, sleep, and more.
• New changes for the week for you to implement
Weekly list of targeted nutritional, lifestyle, and stress recommendations and education
5 day personalized meal plan focusing on your key needed nutrients
2 handouts specific to your health
List of recommended supplements/brands
Curated list of health & wellness personalities and brands to follow on social media specific to your needs.
Hacks for cooking and time saving
Weekly emails summarizing recommendations
Personalized grocery shopping list on meal plan
Final summary of all recommendations