About Source + Sprout

Source + Sprout Nutrition is a Santa Monica, CA based nutrition services company, offering realistic nutrition recommendations for high-demand lives.


You are unique and your approach to health should be as well.

But it doesn’t need to be complicated.

So at Source + Sprout, we focus on the basics, not extremes.

Extremes in nutrition can make nutrition seem very black or white.

But the middle ground? That’s where the magic happens.

What does this mean?

It means we focus on easy-to-implement methods vs super restrictive methods, because my clients don’t have the time or bandwidth for that.

My clients all have one thing in common:

They have high demand lives and ‘extreme’ nutrition advice they have gotten or see on social media is really, really time consuming and confusing to sift through.

So when they come to me, they want real advice that they can implement easily into their already jam-packed lives. Not extreme advice.

Most of us were not taught much (if any) nutrition in school, and are now bombarded by conflicting messaging from a million sources. Missing out on these ‘basics’ often leaves us making choices based on fads that don’t serve our health, and that don’t work - leading us back to square one. For example- getting hyper focused on drinking a green powder some influencer hawks, but not eating fruits and vegetables. We get stuck in this cycle and ultimately don’t move the needle much, which leaves us feeling worse. And if we aren’t feeling great, life just feels harder.

The Basics

So at Source + Sprout, we focus on recommendations grown from some basic tenets of overall health: food, exercise, lifestyle, rest, stress resiliency, joy and creativity.

Yup, we’re a little bit unconventional here. We think joy and creativity are an essential part of a healthy lifestyle.

What does it mean to live a healthy lifestyle?

Maybe this will mean not being too tired to play with your kids. Or maybe it will mean being on top of your game at work. Maybe for you it means having the energy to do the crazy things you dream about doing “one day". It’s up to you to determine what kind of life you want to lead. But trying to reach your life’s goals when your energy is tanked and you feel ‘bleh’ certainly makes things harder.

After all, if we don't feel well, we can't perform well- at work or in life.

You know that all too often we are given unrealistic, one-size-fits-all nutrition advice that only adds to the overwhelm and daily chaos of your life. Source + Sprout Nutrition fills this gap by offering unique, personalized one-on-one nutritional sessions. I work within the framework of meeting you where you are at- not trying to force you to take on habits you just don’t have the time for. Some of my clients have time to meal plan, grocery shop, and mindfully make a homecooked meal. And some of my clients…well, don’t. We aim to reach your goals within the realities of your day to day life.

The most important thing to remember is that I do not hold all the answers. This is a collaborative effort, and it does require commitment. But I don’t believe living healthy is only for people that have the time for it. Health should be accessible to us all.

Source + Sprout also offers the one-of-a-kind Duo Diary Postpartum Wellness Journal to help support the newly postpartum woman’s health alongside their baby’s.  

Scope of Practice:

I am a Certified Nutrition Consultant, which means I have completed 850 hours of nutrition studies through Bauman College. I am not a doctor or medical provider and do not diagnose or treat any medical or mental health conditions. I focus on a food-first approach, educating clients on the benefits of food and lifestyle changes (stress management, sleep, body movement), and providing recommendations to help clients learn healthier habits that fit into their busy lives.

To learn more, check out my packages here, or schedule a free consult by clicking the button below: